Récemment l’éditeur Allemand de livres et de journaux scientifiques international Springer, bien connu dans les sciences et technologies a fait l’initiative de publier gratuitement une trentaine de livres informatiques très récents (de 2016 à 2019) sous format numérique, ça concerne plusieurs domaines informatiques, dont la programmation, l’intelligence artificielle, programmation système, programmation parallèle, sécurité réseaux, cryptographie, traitement d’images et beaucoup d’autres. La liste des livres et leurs liens respectifs sont sur la liste en bas :
- A Beginners Guide to Python 3 Programming (2019)
- Java in Two Semesters (2019)
- Advanced Guide to Python 3 Programming (2019)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning (2018)
- Probability and Statistics for Computer Science (2018)
- Systems Programming in Unix/Linux (2018)
- Data Science and Predictive Analytics (2018)
- Introductory Computer Forensics (2018)
- Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems (2018)
- Fundamentals of Java Programming (2018)
- Fundamentals of Business Process Management (2018)
- A Beginner’s Guide to Scala, Object Orientation and Functional Programming (2018)
- Introduction to Programming with Fortran (2018)
- Introduction to Deep Learning (2018)
- Analysis for Computer Scientists (2018)
- Introduction to Parallel Computing (2018)
- An Introduction to Machine Learning (2017)
- Eye Tracking Methodology (2017)
- Foundations of Programming Languages (2017)
- Guide to Competitive Programming (2017)
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (2017)
- Concise Guide to Software Engineering (2017)
- The Data Science Design Manual (2017)
- Guide to Computer Network Security (2017)
- Guide to Scientific Computing in C++ (2017)
- Introduction to Data Science (2017)
- Recommender Systems (2016)
- Principles of Data Mining (2016)
- Digital Image Processing (2016)
- Cryptography Made Simple (2016)